I noticed
a bit of "news" about Richard Nixon - apparently he lied to us about the war in Cambodia. Now there's a surprise.
I like to point out that
the real job of the President is to lie to the people.
Sometimes they call it "
leading" getting us to follow him. Sometimes it's putting the best face on a situation which is called "
spin". He doesn't always have to speak the lie - he has people for that.
At certain times politicians go freaking crazy telling falsehoods. That's called "
campaigning". Whatever it's called, it's always about manipulating the facts proving the President is right. And to prove "the other people" are idiots or traitors or enemies.
Our current president is now being accused by people who watch the polls of lying to get us into war.
He's indignant at the charge.
I remember clearly how the administration "campaigned" (i.e. "lied") for the war; they were geared up back then just like they campaigned to win election. It seemed
they would say anything that proved their case, no matter how true or false.
Anything that might detract from the opposite argument was also okay.
Frightening the public was okay too - mushroom clouds over New York indeed. When they were caught in one lie, they found a new one. WMD or Democracy - take your pick. It was war they wanted.
Back then the opposite viewpoint wasn't hard to find (unless you only listened to
Fox News.) The administration must have known the opposite viewpoint because they spent so much time refuting it, discrediting the people who dared mention it in public. The opposition party (called the Democrats - I mostly think of them as
the left wing of the Republican party) knew all about it but voted according to the polling numbers. The President now finds great solace in this.
Finally a guy named "
Scooter" has been charged with telling a lie. Not a lie about going to war but
a lie about lying about going to war. Whatever. He could still be found innocent. But at least someone has to answer to something in court.
Unfortunately, other people should also be answering. Those people are protesting indiginantly. What astounds and depresses me is
the arrogance of their faith that they were right all along. Instead of admitting they were wrong they want to talk about bird flu.
I was sitting in Starbucks when a man answered his cellphone. "
Instead of having a bible lesson tonight," he said "
I'm going to bring a pizza." Shifting focus. There's a song in the musical Chicago called
Razzle Dazzle. I'd like to play it for you now.