Mixed Meters is interested in worms because I'm married to Leslie. She studies them and she takes a lot of great pictures of them. She discovered this one while on a voyage in the middle of nowhere.
(See a picture of her in mid-ocean here. Some pictures of the ship she was on are here.)
This particular worm is Miss September and is called "Nereididae epitoke". That name would mean something specific to a marine invertebrate taxonomist like Leslie; rather less to a musician like me.
Here in Southern California marine invertebrate taxonomists started their own group - the Southern California Association of Marine Invertebrate Taxonomists. Or SCAMIT for short. I love that name. They study more than just worms. Any spineless animal that lives in the sea is fair game for SCAMIT. (The SCAMIT website is here.)
The calendar Leslie designed - and which includes a number of her own shots - is offered for sale to support SCAMIT. You can view thumbnails of all the months and purchase the calendar here. Other SCAMIT-supporting merchandise (like a BBQ apron, a T-shirt for your dog or a beer stein) is here. I think the t-shirt would be too small for Chowderhead.
Click here to see all the Mixed Meters posts which mention Leslie.
Click here to visit the worm section of the website of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County where Leslie works and where you can see more of Leslie's cool pictures.
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