Monday, September 16, 2024

Music From Inside My Head

(This post honors Mixed Meters' nineteenth anniversary.)

I recently finished an album called Music From Inside My Head.  

I spent two and a half years working on it.  Music From Inside My Head lasts eight and a half hours and consists of two tracks.  

The first track is entitled Filling Blank Space Daily - 2022  The music in this track never repeats.

Filling Blank Space Daily - 2022 by David Ocker 
from the album Music From Inside My Head
© 2022, 2024 - 14,948 seconds

The second track is called Filling Blank Space Daily - 2022 Backwards - it has the exact same music as track one, only backwards.  (The effect is probably not what you imagine.)

Filling Blank Space Daily - 2022 Backwards by David Ocker 
from the album Music From Inside My Head
© 2022, 2024 - 15,578 seconds

If you have questions, I suggest that you first read the video notes I wrote for YouTube.  You'll have to hunt for them.  What you need to find is "...more", then click on it.  Here's a treasure map to make your hunt easier: 

Those two little YouTube essays might answer your questions.  If not, please leave a comment.  Heck, I'd be happy if you leave a comment even without a question.  Double heck, I'd be happy if you listen to Music From Inside My Head for twenty minutes.